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  • Hans Jörg Michel

Sun, Mar. 31, 2024, 6.00 pm - 8.30 pm | Main Stage

Giacomo Puccini


Introduction at 5.20 pm

A cry echoes through the millennia. It now resounds in Turandot's soul. A woman was once violated, now Princess Turandot has sworn revenge: no man shall ever possess her. Whoever courts her must die unless he solves three riddles. Many princes have tried, all are dead. Then comes a nameless man on the run from war and death and dares to try ... The fairy-tale quality of the opera here becomes the garb of a story of desire, power and powerlessness. The female desire against male desire, paternal power against that of the daughters, self-sacrificing love against self-determined love. In the end, after so much bloodshed, will love still be possible? The opera was not completed, the question not answered - Puccini dies in 1924 and his era ends.

Production: Yona Kim
Stage design: Christian Schmidt
Costumes: Falk Bauer
Lighting: Reinhard Traub
Video: Philip Bußmann
Performance coach: Ramses Sigl
Dramaturgy: Angela Beuerle
Chorus: Eberhard Friedrich
Children and youth choir: Luiz de Godoy

Premiere on: 13.03.2022

There is an intermission of 25 minutes after the second act (after a total of 75 minutes)

In Italian with German surtexts
Supported by the Förderung der Hamburgischen Staatsoper

Venue: Main Stage, Dammtorstraße 28, 20354 Hamburg
Prices: 7,00 EUR to 119,00 EUR

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