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The Chorus of the Hamburg State Opera

The chorus members appear on stage at the Hamburg State Opera in a different role almost every night. From one day to the next, they might be sailors, pilgrims or conspirators, then courtiers, hunters, the deranged or the imprisoned. In the role of crusaders in "I Lombardi alla prima Crociata" they travel to Jerusalem, other nights they are invited to Madama Butterfly's marriage or acclaim Prince Igor. The ladies and gentlemen of the opera chorus demonstrate their artistic prowess, their flexibility, and their love of the stage in every performance.

With a membership around 70, the chorus of the Hamburg State Opera has been one of the world’s best opera choruses for many years. The varied repertoire – almost always in the original language – is multifaceted and includes baroque operas and dramatic operas, major works by Verdi and Wagner as well as contemporary pieces. At the start of the 2013/14 season, Eberhard Friedrich took over the post of Chorus Master.



Women's Cast:

1st soprano
Birgit Brüning
Angelka Gajtanovska
Ludmila Georgieva
Annegret Gerschler
Ulrike Gottschick
Elzbieta Kosc
Jin-Hee Lee
Bettina Rösel
Hannah-Ulrike Seidel
Tahirah Zossou
Ilka Zwarg

2nd soprano
Marina Ber
Gui-Xian Cheng
Kathrin von der Chevallerie
Christiane Donner
Christina Gahlen
Lisa Jackson
Ines Krebs
Lucija Marinkovic
Franziska Seibold

1st alto
Malgorzata Bak
Peixin Lee
Susanne Bohl
Anja Hintsch
Carolin Löffler
Sabine Renner
Mercedes Seeboth
Kristina Susic
Eleonora Wen

2nd alto
Katharina Dierks
Daniela Kappel
Jung-Min Kim
Ute Kloosterziel
Maria Koler
Dr. Daniela Panchevska
Veselina Teneva
Annette Vogt

Men's Cast:

1st tenor
Youngjun Ahn
Goran Cah
Sungwook Choi
Ciprian Done
Blaine Goodridge
Findlay A. Johnstone
Dae Young Kwon
Madou Littmann
Andre Nevans
Sun-Ill Paik
Kiril Sharbanov

2nd tenor
Thomas Gottschalk
Mariusz Koler
Joo-Hyun Lim
Catalin Mustata
Jürgen Ohneiser
Jan Schülke
Dimitar Tenev
Gheorghe Vlad

1st bass
Eun-Seok Jang
Manos Kia
Michael Kunze
Andreas Kuppertz
Julius Vecsey
Peter Veit
Bernhard Weindorf
Yue Zhu

2nd bass
Christian Bodenburg
Peter John Bouwer
Mark Bruce
Yeun-Ku Chu
Doojong Kim
Christoph Rausch
Michael Reder
Detlev Tiemann

Chorus Directorate:

Bernhard Weindorf - Choir Chairman
Christina Gahlen - Associate Choir Chairman
Lisa Jackson - Additional Member of the Chorus Directorate

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