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  • Saint François d'Assise

Sun, Jun. 02, 2024, 5.00 pm - 9.30 pm | Elbphilharmonie, Grand Hall Premiere

Olivier Messiaen

Saint François d'Assise

A project by Kent Nagano and Georges Delnon

Why love ugliness? Why praise naturalness? Why entreat heaven to be allowed to experience pain? – Between dream worlds and faith, half of this world and half of the otherworld, music speaks; far from reality, it resounds with truth: “You are love. You are wisdom. You are humility. You are patience. You are beauty... You are all our riches and you suffice...“ – The music follows the colours, miracles, birds, seeking to find the grace growing in the human soul and share it. – A monumental work. The sum of a life’s work, leading Messiaen, the synaesthete who called himself a composer, ornithologist and rhythmist, back to the roots with St. Francis’ famous sermon to the birds: “Listen to the birds, they are great masters,” had been his composition teacher’s advice.

Scenic design: Thomas Jürgens, Julia Mottl, Georges Delnon
Dramaturgy: Janina Zell
Chorus: Martin Steidler

In French with German surtitles
Co-production of Staatsoper Hamburg, Philharmonic State Orchestra Hamburg and HamburgMusik. In the course of "Internationales Musikfest Hamburg". Supported by the Foundation for the Support of the Hamburg State Opera and the Commerzbank Hamburg.

Venue: Elbphilharmonie, Grand Hall, Platz der Deutschen Einheit 4, 20457 Hamburg
Prices: 23,00 EUR to 129,00 EUR

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